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[Notices] Complain & Question Zone

發表於 26-4-2007 11:29:51 | 顯示全部樓層
i have my draft of regulations for this board, but it is still under construction~
and i am still fixing auman's regulations~
the final version will be posted 1~3 days later~
but still thx for your suggestions~

[ 本帖最後由 ShadowSlave 於 2007-4-26 11:31 編輯 ]
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發表於 26-4-2007 12:21:11 | 顯示全部樓層
there will be further regulations of the rules, so members dont need to help us out for the rules, until the final version is out~

原帖由 piyopiyo 於 2007-4-25 20:06 發表
I just want to know if english bk recommendation should be posted here or in 書香世代

for now, if you are recommending a book,
i think you should post it in 書香世代

[ 本帖最後由 ShadowSlave 於 2007-4-26 12:24 編輯 ]
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發表於 27-4-2007 00:35:57 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 auman311 於 2007-4-26 23:21 發表
Thank you for shaw. being so kind.
I will actually change it and make a nice one.(Just because i don't know shaw have set up the regulations already...so i make one really not much detail...)
I ...

that regulations are still under construction, but i think it is ok to post it out...=.=
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發表於 27-4-2007 11:04:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 runescape 於 2007-4-27 10:59 發表
how about we have some people teaching people speak english here

can you say it briefly...?
like how?
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發表於 2-5-2007 10:18:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 [SYSS]Fantasma 於 2007-5-2 10:04 發表
Can I be one of the marker (adjudicator) in your competition?

sure, you can~
but i dont think there is any essay or composition posted yet...
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發表於 6-5-2007 22:35:19 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 y@nnis 於 2007-5-6 14:22 發表
...can Moderator give some more detail about swearing?
Is the following : what the heck
                        oh my god
                        shut up, count as swearing?

There's differe ...

heck is just an euphemism for the word hell, so it is fine
oh my god is fine, unless you come across some christians or catholics, you might need to apologize.
but since this forum has no religion related, so it is fine~
shut up would be counted as scolding, but we still need to see the situation~
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發表於 9-5-2007 07:24:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ken100605 於 2007-5-8 21:41 發表
Marks will be awarded if someone can point out the grammatical mistakes made by the others. Is it a good suggestion?

not really...=.=
because there are too many grammatical errors...=.=
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發表於 14-5-2007 20:59:26 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 [H]~冰神~ 於 2007-5-14 17:43 發表
When will we have a new composition competition?

there is one now..
why dont you join...=.=?
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發表於 7-6-2007 21:18:42 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 piyopiyo 於 2007-6-7 21:15 發表
Why don't u moderators tell us the grammatical mistakes when we violate the rule 15c

such as which post...==?
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發表於 27-6-2007 21:39:46 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 M82A1 於 2007-6-27 20:45 發表
Why am I always deducted 5 points by ShadowSlave after I leave comments .

please read the rules first~
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